How to Enjoy More Freedom and Less Stress with Simple Living

Imagine waking up in the morning with a smile, knowing your day is yours to shape. No overwhelming to-do lists, no clutter weighing you down, and no endless stream of responsibilities nibbling away at your peace.

Just you, your favorite cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your jam), and a world full of possibilities. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, that dream is closer than you think!

Today, we’re diving into the beautiful world of simple livingโ€”a lifestyle that offers more freedom, less stress, and a whole lot of joy.

Iโ€™m going to walk you through everything you need to know, from the basics to the nitty-gritty details. So grab your beverage of choice, find a comfy spot, and letโ€™s chat about how you can start living more simply and, most importantly, more happily.

And feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! If you have anything to add, let us know. It’s great if we can help each other out!

1. Why Simple Living?

First things first, why should you even consider simple living? I mean, weโ€™re all so busy, juggling a thousand things at onceโ€”jobs, families, friendships, hobbies, and not to mention the endless stream of notifications from our phones.

Itโ€™s like life has become one giant to-do list, right? But hereโ€™s the thing: life doesnโ€™t have to be that way. Simple living offers a way out of that hamster wheel.

Itโ€™s like giving yourself permission to step off the merry-go-round and say, โ€œHey, Iโ€™m going to enjoy this ride at my own pace, thank you very much!โ€

Think about it this way: We often think that more is betterโ€”more stuff, more activities, more responsibilities. But sometimes, more just means more stress.

Simple living is all about quality over quantity. Itโ€™s about choosing what really matters to you and letting go of the rest. Doesnโ€™t that sound freeing? Itโ€™s like having a big, delicious piece of cake and realizing you donโ€™t have to eat the whole thing to feel satisfied. You just need enough to savor the flavor.

When you choose simple living, youโ€™re choosing to focus on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Youโ€™re saying yes to what makes your heart sing and no to the things that just add noise to your life.

Imagine how much lighter youโ€™d feel if you werenโ€™t weighed down by all the extra stuffโ€”both physical and mentalโ€”that you donโ€™t really need. Thatโ€™s what simple living offers: a lighter, freer, and more joyful existence.

2. The Science Behind Simple Living

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s talk about why simple living works from a scientific perspective. Research has shown that reducing clutter, minimizing stress, and living more intentionally can have profound effects on our mental and physical health.

Clutter and Mental Health


Did you know that cluttered environments can actually increase your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone? A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that women who described their homes as cluttered or full of unfinished projects were more likely to experience elevated stress levels than those who described their homes as restful and restorative.

Clutter doesnโ€™t just make your space look chaotic; it can also make your mind feel chaotic!

The Power of Minimalism

living room

Research in the field of environmental psychology has shown that minimalismโ€”whether itโ€™s in your home, your wardrobe, or your daily scheduleโ€”can lead to increased happiness and well-being.

A study from the University of California, Los Angeles, found that a cluttered home environment can actually reduce a person’s ability to focus and process information.

This means that by minimizing your possessions and commitments, youโ€™re not just freeing up physical space; youโ€™re also freeing up mental space!

Nature and Stress Reduction


Numerous studies have demonstrated the calming effects of spending time in nature. A fascinating piece of research published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine found that just 20 minutes of “forest bathing” (a practice known as shinrin-yoku in Japan) can significantly lower cortisol levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve overall mood.

When you incorporate nature into your simple living routineโ€”whether through daily walks, gardening, or simply opening your windows to let in fresh airโ€”youโ€™re tapping into a powerful natural stress reliever.

The Joy of Less

minimalist home

Scientists have found that experiences, rather than material possessions, bring lasting happiness. A study published in the journal Psychological Science revealed that people who spend money on experiences rather than things report greater satisfaction and well-being.

This is because experiencesโ€”like traveling, spending time with loved ones, or learning a new skillโ€”create lasting memories that contribute to a sense of fulfillment. When you embrace simple living, you naturally start to prioritize experiences over material goods, which in turn boosts your happiness.

3. What is Simple Living?

Now that weโ€™ve established why you might want to embrace simple living, letโ€™s chat about what it actually is. Thereโ€™s a bit of a misconception out there that simple living means you have to get rid of everything and live like a monk, but thatโ€™s not true at all (unless thatโ€™s your thing, then go for it!).

Simple living isnโ€™t about depriving yourself of the things you love; itโ€™s about being more intentional with your life.

Think of simple living as creating a life thatโ€™s aligned with who you are and what you value most. Itโ€™s about removing the clutterโ€”both physical and emotionalโ€”thatโ€™s standing between you and a life of meaning and joy.

When I talk about clutter, I donโ€™t just mean the stuff in your closet (though thatโ€™s part of it). Iโ€™m also talking about the mental clutterโ€”the obligations, the stress, the endless to-dos that drain your energy.

Simple living is about making space for what really matters. Itโ€™s like cleaning out a messy room and suddenly finding you have space to breathe and move if you want to!

And the best part? You get to decide what stays and what goes. Thereโ€™s no one-size-fits-all approach to simple living. Itโ€™s deeply personal, and thatโ€™s what makes it so powerful. Youโ€™re in the driverโ€™s seat, and you get to design your life in a way that feels good to you!

4. How to Start Simple Living

simple living

So, youโ€™re sold on the idea of simple livingโ€”awesome! But where do you start? The good news is, you donโ€™t have to overhaul your life overnight. In fact, simple living is best approached gradually, with small, intentional steps. Itโ€™s a journey, not a destination, so take your time and enjoy the process!

Define Your Values

Start by getting clear on what matters most to you. What do you value? What brings you joy? What do you want more of in your life, and what do you want less of? This step is crucial because your answers will guide every decision you make as you simplify your life.

I have published an article where I dive deeper into how you can organize your life, and you’re very welcome to read it. From goal-setting strategies to time-management strategies, you’ll find everything!

Declutter Your Space

One of the easiest places to start is by decluttering your physical space! Go through your home and start letting go of things you donโ€™t need, use, or love.

Start smallโ€”maybe with a single drawer or closetโ€”and work your way up. As you clear out the physical clutter, youโ€™ll notice a weight lifting off your shoulders. Itโ€™s amazing how much lighter you feel when your surroundings are free of excess. Let me give you some good guides along the way:

Simplify Your Schedule

Just like your physical space, your schedule can get cluttered too. Take a look at your calendar and see if there are any commitments you can let go of. Are there activities that drain your energy without adding much value to your life?

If so, consider cutting them out. Focus on the activities that align with your values and bring you joy. Now, I know that we’re all tied to certain responsibilities in life that we don’t necessarily enjoy. But nevertheless, they’re important.

For me, it would be studying for my bachelor’s, for example. I hate doing it! Don’t get me wrong, I love a lot of the modules, and most of them are really interesting, but every semester, I’m forced to study for certain modules that make it difficult for me to study (business mathematics, currently).

What I’m talking about here are tasks that really bring no value to you and that drain you mentally! Most of the time, these contain tasks that you can outsource to someone else, so don’t hesitate! Your time is just as valuable as everyone else’s!

Mindful Consumption

Simple living isnโ€™t just about getting rid of stuff; itโ€™s also about being mindful of what you bring into your life.

This means being intentional with your purchases and only buying things that you truly need or love. It also means being mindful of the media and information you consume. Are you spending hours scrolling through social media, or are you consuming content that uplifts and inspires you? And this is really important to understand!

The majority of people, who consume social media are quick to say that it has destroyed society but I think a little bit different here. Social media is a curse and a blessing. It just depends on how you utilize it. You can scroll endlessly just for the sake of “entertainment” or you can actually take advantage of the fact that you have access to free education and information.

Prioritize Self-Care

In the rush of daily life, self-care often gets pushed to the back burner. But in simple living, self-care is non-negotiable.

So, I’m here to remind to make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul! Whether itโ€™s taking a walk in nature, meditating, reading a good book, or just taking a few deep breaths, self-care should be a priority.


“No time for your health today, no health for your time tomorrow.”

This quote really changed my perspective on life. If you don’t take the time for yourself today, you won’t have the time to enjoy your life in the future, since you’re going to be forced to take care of your health.

Practice Gratitude

One of the beautiful things about simple living is that it helps you appreciate the little things. Practicing gratitude is a wonderful way to stay focused on the positive aspects of your life.

This really changed my perception of life. If you’re healthy, then be grateful. A lot of people wish to be healthy. If you can afford to live under a roof and have a full fridge full of food and water, then again, be thankful! A lot of people would love to trade with you.


“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

We tend to forget very easily how blessed we are. I’d say to make it a habit to say it out loud for yourself. That might sound weird to you, but science has confirmed that if you actively say affirmations out loud, your brain is going to catch up to them.

So, take a few moments each day to reflect on what youโ€™re grateful for, and youโ€™ll find that your perspective shifts in a powerful way!

5. Common Myths About Simple Living

Before we go any further, letโ€™s bust a few myths about simple living. There are a lot of misconceptions out there, and I want to clear those up so you can embrace this lifestyle without any hesitation!

1. Myth: Simple Living is Boring

Some people think that living simply means living a boring life, but that couldnโ€™t be further from the truth. Simple living doesnโ€™t mean doing less of what you love; it means doing more of it!

When you clear out the unnecessary, you make space for the things that light you up. Whether itโ€™s spending more time on hobbies, traveling, or just enjoying quiet moments, simple living gives you the freedom to do what makes you happiest!

2. Myth: You Have to Get Rid of Everything

Another common myth is that simple living requires you to get rid of all your stuff. While decluttering is a big part of it, you donโ€™t have to part with things that are important to you.

Simple living is about removing what doesnโ€™t add value to your life so you can focus on what does. If something brings you joy, keep it!

3. Myth: Simple Living is Only for Minimalists

While minimalism and simple living often go hand in hand, theyโ€™re not the same thing. Minimalism is about reducing the quantity of your possessions, while simple living is about intentional living.

You can embrace simple living without being a minimalist. Itโ€™s about living with intention, not about having a specific number of possessions!

4. Myth: Itโ€™s Only for the Privileged

Some people think that simple living is only for those who have the luxury of choice. But simple living is accessible to everyone.

Itโ€™s not about how much money you have; itโ€™s about the choices you make with what you have. Whether youโ€™re living on a tight budget or have more financial freedom, simple living is about making the most of your resources and focusing on what truly matters.

6. Creating a Simple Living Routine

desk with a laptop and notebook on it

So, how do you integrate simple living into your daily life? The key is to create routines and habits that support your new lifestyle. Letโ€™s break it down into some easy, actionable steps.

Morning Routine


Start your day with intention! Instead of rushing out of bed and immediately checking your phone, take a few moments to breathe, stretch, and set an intention for the day.

Maybe you enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, do a quick meditation, or write in a journal. The goal is to start your day with calm and clarity.

Daily Decluttering

Make decluttering a daily habit! It doesnโ€™t have to be a big taskโ€”just spend five minutes each day tidying up a small area.

Maybe itโ€™s your desk, your kitchen counter, or your inbox. These small efforts add up over time and help you maintain a clutter-free environment. And dedicating some time to decluttering your home every day will really give you a sense of accomplishment. Trust me, this will further motivate you to keep it clean and stick with the routine!

Mindful Breaks


Throughout your day, take mindful breaks to reset and recharge. Step away from your work, take a few deep breaths, and maybe even go for a short walk. These breaks will help you stay focused and reduce stress.

I know that many people tend to skip breaks. I used to be one of them, and let me tell you, you are not running out of time! If you force yourself to work, study, or do anything for a long time, you are actually damaging your productivity. The likelihood of you burning out and procrastinating all together will be high.

But if you go ahead and give yourself some time to recharge, you’re giving your brain the rest it needs to help you get back to this flow of productivity. You never know; a quiet walk in nature could lead to amazing ideas and solutions.

Evening Wind-Down


At the end of the day, create a wind-down routine that helps you relax and prepare for sleep. This could be as simple as turning off screens an hour before bed, reading a book, or taking a warm bath.

The goal is to end your day on a peaceful note, so you wake up refreshed and ready for a new day!

Weekly Reflection


Set aside time each week to reflect on how youโ€™re feeling and how your simple living journey is going. Whatโ€™s working well? What could use a little adjustment?

You can purchase a notebook or journal for that. Document everything, and write down anything you want. From your progress to your failures, don’t leave anything out. And don’t forget to write the dates down! Trust me, after a while you’ll reread everything and you’ll be stunned at how much progress you made.

So, use this time to celebrate your progress and make any tweaks to your routine that will help you live even more intentionally.

7. Saying No and Setting Boundaries

One of the most powerful aspects of simple living is the ability to say no. In a world that constantly demands more from us, learning to say no is an act of self-care!

Itโ€™s about protecting your time, energy, and mental space. But letโ€™s be honestโ€”saying no can be hard, especially if youโ€™re used to being a people-pleaser.

Hereโ€™s the thing: Every time you say yes to something, youโ€™re saying no to something else. So, when youโ€™re faced with a new commitment or request, ask yourself: Does this align with my values? Will this bring me joy or fulfillment?

If the answer is no, then itโ€™s okay to politely decline. Remember, your time and energy are precious, and itโ€™s up to you to use them wisely!

Paulo Coelho

“When you say โ€˜Yesโ€™ to others, make sure you are not saying โ€˜Noโ€™ to yourself.”

Setting boundaries is also a key part of simple living. Boundaries help you protect your space, your time, and your well-being.

Whether itโ€™s setting limits on how much time you spend on social media, establishing a work-life balance, or creating a peaceful space at home, boundaries are essential for maintaining a simple and stress-free life. I know that it isn’t that easy to execute, but if you don’t prioritize your time, then I’m sorry to tell you that nobody else will. You have to be your biggest supporter!

And that includes setting boundaries for others, even if that means losing a dear friendship. You have to think that way: if they are distancing themselves because you are prioritizing yourself, are these even the right people in your life? Nobody should be offended by that!

8. Simplifying What You Bring In

Weโ€™ve talked a lot about letting go of things, but letโ€™s not forget about what we bring into our lives. Mindful consumption is a huge part of simple living.

Itโ€™s about being intentional with your purchases and the information you consume. Hereโ€™s how you can practice mindful consumption:

Intentional Shopping

Before you buy something, ask yourself if you really need it. Will it add value to your life? Is it something you truly love? By being more mindful about what you bring into your home, you can avoid clutter and only surround yourself with things that bring you joy.

Digital Detox

In todayโ€™s digital world, weโ€™re constantly bombarded with information. Take some time to evaluate the media and content you consume.

Is it uplifting and inspiring, or does it leave you feeling drained? Consider unfollowing accounts that donโ€™t serve you and spending more time engaging with content that aligns with your values.

Experiences Over Things

One of the best ways to simplify your life is to focus on experiences rather than things! Instead of buying more stuff, invest in experiences that create lasting memories.

Whether itโ€™s a trip with loved ones, a fun day out, or even just a cozy night in, experiences often bring more joy and fulfillment than material possessions!

9. Connecting with Nature

nature (simple living )

One of the simplest and most profound ways to embrace simple living is to connect with nature. Thereโ€™s something incredibly grounding and peaceful about spending time outdoors!

Whether itโ€™s a hike in the mountains, a walk in the park, or just sitting in your garden, nature has a way of reminding us of what really matters.

Here are a few ideas to help you connect with nature:

  • Daily Walks

Make it a habit to go for a walk outside every day. It doesnโ€™t have to be a long or strenuous walkโ€”just enough to get some fresh air and enjoy the beauty around you.

Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Notice how the air feels on your skin and how the ground feels under your feet. These small details can bring a lot of joy!

  • Gardening

If you have space, consider starting a garden. Even if itโ€™s just a few potted plants on your balcony, gardening is a wonderful way to connect with the earth. Thereโ€™s something incredibly satisfying about nurturing a plant and watching it grow.

  • Outdoor Adventures

If you have the opportunity, plan some outdoor adventures. Whether itโ€™s a weekend camping trip, a hike in the woods, or a day at the beach, spending time in nature is a great way to recharge and find peace.

  • Nature Meditation

Try meditating outside. Find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Focus on your breath and the sounds of nature around you. This can be incredibly calming and help you feel more connected to the world.

10. Embracing Slow Living

Slow living is a natural extension of simple living. Itโ€™s about intentionally slowing down and savoring each moment, rather than rushing through life.

In a world that often feels like itโ€™s moving at lightning speed, slow living is a beautiful way to reclaim your time and find joy in the present. Here are some ways to embrace slow living:

Slow Down Your Routine

Take a look at your daily routine and see where you can slow down. Maybe itโ€™s spending a little more time enjoying your morning coffee, walking instead of driving, or cooking a meal from scratch rather than grabbing takeout. These small changes can help you appreciate the beauty in everyday moments!

Practice Patience

Slow living is also about cultivating patience. In a world where weโ€™re used to instant gratification, practicing patience can be a challenge, but itโ€™s so worth it.

Whether itโ€™s waiting for a homemade bread to rise, taking the time to really listen to someone, or simply allowing yourself to rest without feeling guilty, patience is a key part of slow living!

Simplify Your Meals

Food is a big part of slow living. Instead of rushing through meals or going for convenience foods, try to prepare simple, wholesome meals that you can enjoy slowly.

Cooking can be a meditative process, and eating mindfully allows you to fully appreciate the flavors and nourishment of your food.

Disconnect to Reconnect

One of the biggest challenges to slow living is the constant presence of technology. Try to disconnect from screens and devices regularly so you can reconnect with the people and world around you.

Whether itโ€™s a tech-free evening, a day without social media, or a full digital detox, these breaks can really help you to slow down and live more fully.

11. Finding Balance in Simple Living

life quote (simple living )

Itโ€™s important to remember that simple living isnโ€™t about perfection. Itโ€™s not about having the perfect minimalist home or the most organized schedule. Itโ€™s about finding balance and living in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you.

Here are a few tips to help you find balance in your simple living journey:

  • Be Kind to Yourself

Simple living is a journey, and itโ€™s okay if you donโ€™t get it right all the time! Be gentle with yourself, and remember that every small step you take towards simplicity is a step in the right direction.

  • Embrace Flexibility

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things donโ€™t go according to plan. Thatโ€™s okay! Simple living is about being adaptable and rolling with the punches. If something isnโ€™t working, donโ€™t be afraid to adjust your approach.

  • Celebrate Progress

Take time to celebrate the progress youโ€™ve made! Maybe youโ€™ve decluttered a room, simplified your schedule, or started a new self-care routine. Whatever it is, acknowledge your efforts and be proud of how far youโ€™ve come.

  • Keep Your Why in Mind

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or unsure, come back to your why. Why did you choose to embrace simple living in the first place? What are the values that guide your decisions? Keeping your why at the forefront of your mind will help you stay focused and motivated.


As we wrap up this journey into the world of simple living, I want to leave you with a few final thoughts. Life can be incredibly beautiful when we allow ourselves to slow down, breathe deeply, and focus on what truly matters.

Simple living isnโ€™t about deprivation or following strict rules; itโ€™s about creating a life that feels authentic, joyful, and free.

Remember, the path to simplicity is unique for everyone. Thereโ€™s no right or wrong way to do itโ€”only the way that feels right for you.

Whether you start by decluttering a single drawer, spending more time in nature, or simply saying “no” a little more often, each step you take is a step toward a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Itโ€™s also important to be kind to yourself throughout this process. Simple living is a journey, not a destination. There will be days when it feels easy and natural, and days when it feels challenging.

Thatโ€™s okay. What matters is that youโ€™re making the effort to live more intentionally and to prioritize the things that bring you joy.

As you move forward, keep in mind the incredible benefits that come with this lifestyleโ€”not just the reduced stress and increased freedom, but also the deeper connections, the richer experiences, and the profound sense of contentment that come from living in alignment with your values.

Take your time, enjoy the process, and remember that youโ€™re never alone on this journey.

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